Creative Ways to Eat Microgreens (2023)

Vegan bean burgers with vegetables and tomato sauce on

Are you bored with the traditional recipes of microgreen? Don’t worry we’ve compiled some best creative ways to eat microgreens for you! Let’s dive in!

With varying diseases and illnesses threatening our health due to unhealthy consumption, many are already diverting their diet plans into more nutritious yet enticing menu item alternatives. Microgreens are growing in popularity nowadays because they offer health benefits and make our plates look more pleasing and appealing. With this, various ways of preparing and eating, microgreens have sprouted to make our microgreen dining experience more delectable. 

Microgreens can be served and eaten in a multitude of ways. Aside from eating them raw or garnishing them to salads and soups, you can experiment with recipes that incorporate these leafy delights, including:

  • stir-fry cooking
  • smoothies and juices
  • salads
  • omelets
  • burgers and sandwiches.

Your microgreen preparation may differ depending on your mood, cravings, available ingredients, equipment, and budget; nevertheless, there are several ways to step up your microgreen dining. Check out these ways to eat microgreens and see if you can create your own microgreen recipe.

Ways to Eat Microgreens: Tell me more!

Consider the following ways or create your way of eating these healthy and pretty microgreens.

You’ll Like them Raw.

Fresh Salad in Plate

No time to cook? Try eating raw! Goats and cattle are not the only leaf eaters around; humans, as herbivores, can too. Microgreens are the early leaves of the plant that contain high levels of nutrients good for the body. Putting it through the process of cooking may lessen the nutrition we get from it. Pick up some stems and leaves directly from the pot or container, wash them thoroughly, and have a bite of those crunchy and juicy microgreens to absorb all the nutrients.

You Try to sauté and Stir-fry.

Chinese Stir Fry

Stir-frying and sautéing are two ways if you want to add a little bit of flavor to your microgreens. Start by heating the pan and add spices and the main ingredients: microgreens. Enjoy a crunchy and savory grub that will kick in your appetite for more.

Have a Garden in a Salad

A beautiful Mediterranean salad of delicate leaves of lettuce and spinach

Decorate your salad with these delectable greens! After mixing the ingredients altogether, enliven your salad with microgreens. Great greens put in your salad may be:

  • Cabbages
  • spring onions
  • thyme
  • radishes
  • spinach
  • peas, and
  • edible flowers.

These do not only fill the salad bowl but create a garden that satisfies the eyes. 

Do not forget to bring more flavor by adding some shreds of chicken or ham, cheese, raisins, and other selections you like to put in your salad.

Excite Your Egg Dish with Microgreen Omelet

ways to eat microgreens

Make your breakfast healthy and lively by introducing microgreens to your egg recipes.  If you are tired of having the same bland omelet in your mornings, why don’t you mix mushrooms and microgreens in it? As soon as the egg cooks, place the mushrooms and plants in the middle of the pan and fold the omelet into half. Enjoy your dose of protein with fiber and other phytonutrients.

Eat Healthy Green Burgers 

Burgers are known to be sources of fat and sodium, which could lead to circulatory and weight problems. The delicious taste of burgers is almost a sin to those who are conscious of their heart health. But now, burgers can be as healthy as salads through microgreen burgers.

ways to eat microgreens

Beef and pork burger patties can be substituted with healthier alternatives too. Salmon of any kind can be surrounded by your favorite microgreens and chosen sauce.  Place in between buns and bite to your heart’s satisfaction.

Take a Bite of a Green Sandwich

This does not necessarily mean the bread is color green, but it can be close to green as a tree with leaves from your harvested seedlings. Ham and cheese can be made better with some young leafy vegetables in it.

ways to eat microgreens

Picnics and outdoor activities are best enjoyed with sandwiches. You are not only having fun with family and friends; you are also having a good time knowing you have a healthy diet.

Enjoy Your Soup with Healthy Leafy Microgreens

Too many cooks spoil the broth, but too many microgreens can make it better. Soups and broths can be bland and unsavory to the taste. Try adding more healthy microgreens for more flavor and texture.

ways to eat microgreens

Microgreens in these soups can never go wrong:

  • Miso soup
  • Creamy potato soup
  • Chicken noodle soup

Quench Your Thirst with Microgreen Shakes and Juices

Are you looking for the best replacement for carbonated sodas and instant powdered juices? Microgreen shakes, smoothies, and juices are perfect for you. With blenders and juicers at your disposal, you can create your own refreshing drink with your microgreens.

Lime Juice And Fruit Shake On Glass

Most common plants for blending and juicing include:

  • wheatgrass
  • broccoli
  • pea shoots
  • beets, and 
  • radishes. 

Carrots, lemongrass, and various fruits can always be an excellent combination to it.

For non-lactose intolerant drinkers, fresh milk and yogurt can be added to savor your microgreen milk and yogurt shake.

Infuse Microgreen Taste to Asian dishes

In Korean cuisine, bibimbap or the mixture of rice and assorted vegetables, can be a haven for microgreen lovers. Together with beef, egg, and gochujang sauce, and rice, microgreens sure can make your heart and stomach smile.

assorted asian dish

These tiny seedlings can also be used to garnish the following:

  • Pad Thai
  • sushi rolls
  • ramen.

Rice is a staple in most of the Asian meals. Microgreens of vegetables and herbs are tasty to embellish the sight and flavor of our favorite main course.

What are the Common Microgreens?

Microgreens are the seedlings of vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers. These tiny edibles are older than sprouts, yet younger than the more developed “baby greens.” Some of the most common plants where microgreens can be harvested from include:

  • Arugula
  • Basil
  • Beets
  • Begonia
  • Cabbage
  • Celery
  • Cilantro
  • Cosmos
  • Garnet amaranth
  • Kale
  • Mustard
  • Radishes
  • Several species of peas
  • Spinach
  • Sunflower

The microgreens of these plants are highly nutritious and more appetizing than their mature versions. These 7 to 14-day old greens are full of nutrients, flavor, and color. They add texture and a fresh appearance to your meal that even picky eaters would not mind devouring it. It also contains 40 times more nutrients than the full-grown ones. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, these essential phytonutrients are abundant in the seedlings:

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Phylloquinone
  • Tocopherol

These phytonutrients help ward off diseases, boost the immune system, and relieve some body discomfort. Hence, we must have a regular consumption of these microgreens in our meals regardless of the ways to eat microgreens.

Growing Your Microgreens

If you love gardening as well as eating, growing your microgreens might be your next project. Microgreens are just the toddlers of full-grown plants, so if you have seeds of your favorite vegetables and herbs, you can create your microgreen garden. Here are some basics in growing your microgreens:

  • Secure some seeds of your favorite vegetables and herbs. Make it a variety, so your garden will be producing more options for your plate.
  • Prepare your pots, containers, and trays. You may reuse and recycle old egg trays and plastic containers. Since we do not intend to harvest full-grown plants, there’s no need to add too much soil.
  • Place your seeds in your plant receptacles and wait until sprouts come out. Of course, tender loving care is needed even if microgreens need low-maintenance. Give a sufficient amount of water and sunlight as the plant requires.
  • After 7- 14 days of germination, the first real leaves and stems will greet you. Gently cut or pull out the seedlings from the container. Wash them and prepare for your next meal.

Microgreens are perfect in any climate conditions and can even be grown indoors. Just find a safe spot for your portable green garden inside your house and have an abundant supply of this leafy goodness.

Eat Greens, Grow Greens

So, what are you waiting for? The next time you do your cooking, consider these creative ways to eat microgreens. Satisfy your palate with great taste and feast to your heart’s good health.

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